Georg August University of Göttingen

14 – 18 September 2025


Call for volunteers

Call for Sessions
(extended until January 30)



Zentrales Hörsaalgebäude (ZHG) [Lageplan]

Platz der Göttinger Sieben

37073 Göttingen



More information to follow.




Accommodations with a contingent:

For participants of Geo4Göttingen we have secured a contingent in conveniently located hotels in Göttingen.

You can use the following link to book your accommodation in these hotels. You will be redirected to an external website of Göttingen Tourismus und Marketing e.V., which is responsible for the hotel offers.

Accommodation search

Hotels with contingent are available until August 10th, 2025.

September is the month in Göttingen with the most conferences and congresses. We generally recommend booking in good time!


Further accommodations without a contingent:




F&U confirm

Permoserstraße 15

04318 Leipzig | Germany

Phone: +49 (0)341 6025 1828

geo4goettingen2025 (at)